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Snow Board Wrap & Cornhole Wrap


Q. Do I need a brand new snowboard or new skis to do this?
A. No. That's the beauty! Many people have great snowboards and skis that they really like but don't like the graphics so they buy another board. Recycle your board!

Q. I am not so good with stickers, can I do this?
A. Yes. With our easy instructions on how to wrap your board, it's not hard. If you are totally scared of it we offer installation for $20 plus the cost of shipping your board. If you ship your board to us we will apply and send it back. But YOU CAN really do this. Don't be scared. Watch our installation video here.

Q. How long will this last?
A. With proper care it should last 3-5 years. But if you are like us you will probably change it again before that.

Q. Do you offer custom designing?
A. Yes. Please email us at and tell what you have in mind for your snowboard. We will send over details and pricing.

Q. Can I send my artwork to you?
A. Yes with our Design Your Own page. Click here. For your convenience, we have templates to fit 14"x65". Send us your email and we will send them.

Q. Will this ruin my board?
A. No. In fact, a properly installed YourBoardWrap print will protect your boards original finish. It protects against the suns harmful ultraviolet rays. Your Board Wrap will also be protected against scratches or minor damage upon contact.

Q. Will this ruin my existing graphics?
A. Absolutely not!

Q. What should I do if YourBoardWrap sticks to itself during application?
A. Gently peal YourBoardWrap print apart and continue the application process. Our products our made with the best products for production (same product used on vehicle wraps) therefore they are very user-friendly during installation.

Q. What should I do if it has bubbles after installing?
A. Bubbles are just trapped air that will eventually go away. Carefully use a sharp needle or the top of a razorblade or exacto knife to carefully puncture a hole in the bubble(s) and then lightly press the area with your FREE squeegee provided to remove the trapped air. A low temperature blow dryer will help with the process. Sometimes if you let it sit overnight the bubbles will release by itself. Let it sit outside in the cold air for a while. Extreme temperature change helps as well.

Q. Once installed can YourBoardWrap prints be removed and reused?
A. No. Although our products are removable once installed it must remain on the board until it's application life has ended.

Q. Can I wrap the bottom of my snowboard or skis?
A. No. Our snowboard wraps and ski wraps for for the top only.

Q. Can I download an instruction sheet?
A. Yes. Click the pdf Snowboard Wrap Instructions, Cornhole Wrap Instructions or Ski Wrap Instructions below.

Q. Can my corn hole board have latex paint on it?A. Yes but special preparation is required before installing the wrap. If your corn hole board is painted with latex paint make sure it is eggshell or gloss if preferred. Mix up a mixture of 70% alcohol and 30% water in a spray bottle and clean the surface thoroughly 2 times with clean towels ea. time. Make sure it is clean and dirt free before applying the wrap. We prefer your cornhole board to be painted with a clear coat or gloss surface or painted with an oil based paint for the wrap to adhere the best.


Q. Can you ship internationally?

A. We only ship to Canada at this time.

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